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Magnetic interior doors lock black automatic close/open system


SKU: IN20835 Category: Product ID: 24178


The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.  Because we Know deeply your expectations , we followed them. That’s why Importa began the journey in fulfilling your needs, From doors production to Skirting until murals door and wall painting. We think that we don’t want just to be a production manufacturer, we have  to create customer brand relationships by providing  you with all the needed European hardwares.   Now you can Buy everything from one place . Magnetic interior doors lock black automatic close/open system  you can use it for bathroom doors (wc locks) or For Bedroom locks (Key lock ) For any room and any type of lock mechanism. Available in Black and silver.   How do magnetic door locks with automatic close/open system work? They work from magnetic waves which create a magnetic field between the lock thumb inside the door leaf and another magnet which is placed in the opposite bar of the lock in the door frame which attracts the door leaf to the door frame. If you turn or rotate the WC thumb of the key it will block the thumb inside the door from opening and the doors will be closed until you didn’t unlock it with the wc thumb on key.   Do you need a round rosette or square? You can arrange the design that will be suitable with the handles you choose in Importa doors.   To receive catalogs, prices and availability European hardware in Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Ras al Khaimah, Al Ain call or write to    WhatsApp +97152 512 3323 

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متوفر باللونين الأسود والفضي

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