The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a door for a dressing room is the type of construction. After all, it affects the rational use of space, the method of control and operation of the door opening system. There are many structural varieties, the choice of which should be made based on…
How to choose type of door opening for interior hidden doors, let`s check and describe with first manufacturer of hidden interior doors in UAE Importa
Are you looking to add a touch of elegance and functionality to your space with hidden doors? Look no further than Importa! Our online platform is your ultimate guide to choosing…
Interior doors Importa can not only close your entrance for different types of rooms, they also can protect your apartment or villa from outside noise if you live in a big street of a huge city or protect your neighbors from noise inside of your property if you have for example dogs. Or gives more…
Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, doing great engineering, and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally, business is a cobweb of human relationships.for that Importa the first manufacturer of interior hidden doors inUAE searched deeply in what customer needs , listened closely to our customers , searched for solution that…
Importa the first manufacturer of hidden doors in Dubai believes that Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.
One of the major success reasons for any company is the openness to the people and the market.Importa listens to the customer needs…
Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. Importa, the first manufacturer of hidden doors in UAE, believes that Consumer accountability drives quality and efficiency and almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing… layout, processes, and procedures. That's why from the very beginning Importa aims to produce…
ave you ever wondered how the entrance on the train platform number 9¾ at the King`s Cross railway station works? What is its secret? Importa interior designer team guesses that it`s just a high-quality hidden door. If you would like to know more about these secret doors, say «Legilimency» and let`s begin our exciting…